About Me

Bipin Suresh

Hello. My name is Bipin. I currently work at a small startup called Coursera, which is focussed on providing universal access to the world's best education.

Before this, I spent some time studying artificial intelligence and machine learning, and before that, built search-engines for six years. Not surprisingly, I like engineering large-scale systems, spend nights coding furiously, and hope that robots take over the world. No, really.

Research and Projects

Find missing people
Every 4 seconds, a child goes missing. What if the entire internet could join forces in searching for these kids?
I created a plugin which when inserted into your site's 404 error pages, displays pictures of missing people in the off-chance that you recognize one of them. Visit Come Back Home to learn more.
Deep learning and Neuroscience
Modeling polysensory plasticity with unsupervised feature learning
One of the things that makes the brain fascinating is its plasticity. In a remarkable set of rewiring experiments, it was shown that the auditory cortex of the brain learnt to 'see' when visual signals were routed to it.
Does the brain have a single learning algorithm across all modalities? Read about our experiments in the Publications section below.
Autonomous Sign Reading for Semantic Mapping and Navigation
Teaching robots about our world through instruction is a rather tedious and, sometimes, frustrating process. Could robots instead learn by autonomously exploring our world, reading and understanding text that's usually littered in it?
In the summer of 2010, we programmed Willow Garage's PR2 to whizz around Stanford's hallways, reading text on doors, and learning where people sat. Read about it in the Publications section below.
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Large Synoptic Survey Telescope
The LSST is a monstrous 8.4-meter ground-based telescope, with the world's largest camera (3.2 Gigapixels). In the first 15 mins. of operation, the LSST will produce more data than the Hubble telescope produced in its lifetime.
I wander around the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory with my mouth agape, and sometimes pretend to help come up with a plan to cope with the hundreds of petabytes of data that are going to come streaming in. Check out our project page.
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Sakad, India
I spent the summer of 2009 teaching in a small village called Sakad in rural India. I went there to teach the kids Math and English, but suspect I ended up learning more than I did teaching.
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Publications and Patents

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